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Java 2-D Game Framework

HomePage: [http://tabuto.github.io/j2dgf] Download Latest: [https://github.com/tabuto/j2dgf/releases/download/v.0.7.3/J2DGF_v0.7.3_source_bin_doc.jar]

The J2DGAMEFRAMEWORK provides the necessary classes to implements a simple 2D Game in a window enviroment. This framework also provides a Sprites Collision Manager end a simple GUI template using the Java Swing libraries. By using this Framework, the developer's only think is how implements his classes and never mind about the 2D World, the collisions, etc...

How does it works

The J2DGF use a few small class file to represent the necessary object in order to manage a simple 2D world. This is useful for simple game, simulation and everybody wants to create a 2D world effortlessly. For viewing how you can use this framework, download the last version and see the com.tabuto.test.j2dgf.

To use in your application: simply download the jar file and import it in your Java Project.

For Developers

If you want to join the project contact me at (tabuto83(at)gmail(dot)com)!

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